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Tihei wā mauri ora
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Te Akau te Moana
Ko Tarakeha te Maunga
Ko Moetangi te Awa
Ko Matihetihe te Marae
Ko Tumoana te Whare Tūpuna
Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi
Ko Te Tao Maui te Hapū
Nō Mitimiti ahau
Kei Ahitereiria ahau e noho ana
Ko Bully Kendall tōku Matua
Ko Kura Kendall (Ngawaka) tōku Whaea
Ko Brett Kendall tāku Tamaiti
Ko Ron Kendall tōku Ingoa
My canoe is Ngatokimatawhaorua
My sea is Te Akau
My mountain is Tarakeha
My river is Moetangi
My marae is Matihetihe
My meeting house is Tumoana
My tribe is Te Rarawa
My sub-tribe is Te Tao Maui
I am from Mitimiti
I live in Australia
My Father is Bully Kendall
My Mother is Kura Kendall (nee Ngawaka)
My son is Brett Kendall
My name is Ron Kendall
I te taha ō tōku māmā
Ko Mamari te Waka
Ko Whangapē te Moana
Ko Whakakoro te maunga taha whenua
Ko Whakakoro te maunga taha moana
Ko Awaroa te awa
Ko Te Kotahitanga te Marae
Ko Te Rarawa te Iwi
Ko Te Tāwhiu te Hapū
On my mothers’ side
My Canoe is Mamari
My Harbour is Whangape
My link to the land is Whakakoro
My coastal mountain is Whakakoro
My river is Awaroa
My Marae is Te Kotahitanga
My tribe is Te Rarawa
My subtribe is Te Tawhiu
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa
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